
Tuesday, 13 May 2014

This is why I haven't posted in a while!

It has literally been ages since I blogged on here!
I miss it so much but I have been sooo busy with my amazing new job!! 

I am a cupcake baker and froster at a vegan bakery!! Basically the perfect job for me.

I took a few piccies to show yall what I have been doing.

I have no idea how this perfect love heart showed up in chocolate batter. Its very cute though.

The bakery is allergy friendly as well as vegan so these cupcakes below are strawberry choc, Gluten free and fructose free that is sweetened with rice malt syrup.
We also do a sugar free that is sweetened with agave.

RAINBOW. So time consuming but they look so cute!

This my friends is a whole saucepan of vegan caramel that I made this afternoon!! mmmmm
It fills vanilla cupcakes which are then topped with vanilla frosting and honeycomb. Too yummy

Labeling flavours!

 My daggy/dirty work shoes. The only thing that i can work in for 8 hours and not get sore feet! 



  1. Oooooh love your work, literally! My fam stuffed our faces on things you probably iced/frosted this week :)

    1. Im sure I baked a few things you ate!! :)
      I love everything too. Constantly stuffing my face.
