
Monday, 19 May 2014

Lemon and apricot almost raw bars

Im pretty excited about these bars!
I pulled a whole bunch of lemons from a friends tree last week so I used them in this recipe. The lemons were so sweet and pungent and made these bars real tasty and fresh! 

I used melted dark chocolate buds hence the "almost" raw title. These are easily rawable though by using a recipe for raw chocolate and dipping them in that.  I just couldn't be bothered. 
These turned out chewy and sweet and the perfect snack with coffee or cuppa tea.

Almost raw lemon and apricot bars


1 1/2 coconut flakes
10 dried apricots (use the dark brown ones that are not full of chemicals)
3 Gooey mejool dates
1/2 cup raw chopped almonds
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon raw vanilla extract or the seeds of a vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
2 Tablespoons melted coconut oil
Rind of 2 lemons


Combine all ingredients in a food processor. You should be able to squeeze it in your hand and it should stick together.
Roll or flatten into individual servings and refrigerate.
Cover in chocolate and refrigerate again.

I have been eating rawish lately during the day. Mainly because I have been having bad tummy issues. I have had 2 stomach bugs in a month which was awful and after 25 years I have realised that eating crap makes me feel crap so........ Im really giving up on bad stuff. Im sick of being bloated and feeling gross.

Lately I have been wanting to brew Kombucha.
My Dad used to brew it when I was a kid and no one knew what it was but lately its become pretty popular in Melbourne. I  really think it will be good for my tummy so I asked the universe for a scoby and it provided. Someone on facebook had a scoby mother and I went and picked it up a couple of days ago.
I have it brewing as I type so it should be ready in a couple of weeks. Very excited.

xxxx These are so easy to make. They honestly took about 10 mins to put together. Make em'

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